Monday, August 25, 2008

Dressing like a Big Kid!

One of the most fun things about work is getting to wear chic "grown-up" outfits. Although I start to get tired of having to wear nice clothes by the end of the week and look forward to wearing jeans on casual Friday, there is still some excitement in wearing dressy clothes and feeling like a legit adult, with a job, a computer bag, and everything! Mari recomended that I start taking some pictures of my work clothes and posting them, which I thought would be a fun idea. In fact, I remember that last week (or was it the week before?) I took some pictures of my outfit (with new pants and shoes!) and meant to post them online but never did. Today when I got home from work I took a picture of my outfit so I could post it on this blog. When I downloaded the pictures from my camera, I found out that the outfit I photographed 2 weeks ago was the very same (exact same- note the undershirt and the shoes) I wore and photographed today! I guess I really like this outfit.

Outfit 1: First Day of work.
Fitted Suit Jacket: Banana Republic, $128
Black Dress Pants: Gap, $60
Sweater: Kasper, $45
Tweed computer bag: Harrod's, 90 GBP

Outfit 2a: Just after buying these pants!
Puff-sleve V-neck top: Limited, $56
Tomato Cami: Express, $25
Kakhi slacks: Express, $80
Shoes: Steve Madden, $160
Outfit 2b: Today
[See above]
Also note:
Leather computer tote: Wilson's Leather, $160
Oscar-the-Grouch trashcan: Ikea, $20
(Prices are estimates and may be up to %300 of actual price paid)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bad Day at Work

I had meant to take some pictures of a cute new outfit I got earlier this week and post them on this blog, but this week has been busier than I expected. Tuesday Justin came over and we went running together, then ordered chicken wings and watched the Olympics. Last night I drove through about 1 hr 15 min of traffic to go have tacos with Jusitn and one of his friends who had proudly told us earlier that "I make excellent tacos; y'all will have to come over some time so I can make tacos."

Today I had to come in to work early because we were to have a conference call at 7:30. I usually come in at 8 and leave at 5, but since I came in today half an hour early, I figured I could leave at 4:30. The problem with work lately is that I don't have much I can do; there is a lot to be done, and we're working on a deadline, but when we're this far into it most people are busy doing their own work and don't have time to teach me stuff. So I have only had a few actual tasks here and there that I am able to complete. But I feel like some people expect me to have more technology background than I really do, so the little they give me to do requires knowledge that I don't have. It is very frustrating. Today around 3:30 I got sucked into a conference call where I was occasionally asked about things I had been "working" on. I was able to confidently answer about 40% of the things asked of me. And the conference call came across some problems that I might or might not have any connection with, so it didn't end until 6 pm! Imagine my frustration, when I was supposed to get to leave at 4:30 and have a relaxing evening to myself, and instead I found myself stuck at work until 6! Terrible! AND, when the meeting finally ended, it was decided that we would reconvene at 8 to resolve these issues. BLEH! I'm actually on that conference call right now. Thankfully my new cell phone has a headset, so I can mute myself and type in my blog and watch olympics while on a boring conference call.

After work I tried to call Justin, who didn't answer, then Mari, who was busy, and Mama, who also didn't answer, to complain about my crappy day. (there was more crappiness than described above, but that is just not fun to write about).

The good news is that I SHOULD get to leave early tomorrow since I stayed late today.
Extra time today: 1.5 hours => I should leave 1.5 hours early tomorrow, i.e. work 8-3:30, OR sleep in a bit and work 8:30-4.
If I get to count this conference call as work time, then maybe I could even leave 2 or 2.5 hours early tomorrow.... that would be pretty awesome.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Blog Guilt

I don't know if anyone still reads this, since I haven't posted in almost a month. Which leads me to...
Blog Guilt. I feel like I have let down all my adoring fans by not posting new material in so long. But after sitting in front of a computer all day at work, I am not very interested in booting up my home computer so I can type about my day. I'm going to try to blog a bit more, but probably won't be much more than once a week.

"So how's work, Hannah?"
Work is going pretty well. Last week I got transfered to a different project (still with the same client, so I didn't have to move cubes). This project is quite far along, but the SSIS was developed by 2 guys, one of whom have since moved on to a different project, and one of whom left for vacation and will return to a different project still. So last Thursday I had a 2.5-hour phone call with the guy about to leave for vacation so he could transfer all his knowledge to me. I think I retained about 50% of it, which is better than 0%. Since then I have become a little more familiar with the project, and yesterday I spent all day actually doing work! Ask me about deconstructing the database to make all the column widths match!

"How do you like your coworkers?"
I like them pretty well. I think coworkers have potential to make work much better or much worse. Thankfully I enjoy my cubicle neighbors. Last night we (me and Justin, plus 3 guys from work and their girlfriends/wives) went to Miller Outdoor Theatre and watched Julius Caesar. It was a lot of fun.

"So why are you blogging at 11:20 am? Don't you have work to do?"
Sort of. Our project has already started deploying and we're currently fixing bugs. Since I am less involved in this project than most people, I can't do too much of that. I am currently waiting some further instruction from a coworker who got side-tracked with a more important problem.

"Why don't you have any pictures up? Are you going to post some pictures soon?"