Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Graduation Activities

Last night I had my graduation party. Overall it was fun. It started out with mostly corps guys, but eventually some friends that I knew from math showed up. That was a pretty good mix for a while, but as people started to leave, the remaining guests divided themselves into two distinct groups: corps guys and "nerds." It is also worth noting that the people that stayed the longest were those in both groups whom I don't know as well. In fact, the remaining "nerds" included one guy I know, one guy I've met about 3 times, one guy I have seen but never really met, and a guy I've never seen or met. The remaining corps guys included a really drunk guy and some of his friends that I've only met a couple of times. Then one of the corps guys said something vaguely insulting to one of the nerds and they started arguing and everyone got mad and it was very awkward. Then they left. At the time I felt like this made my whole party a disaster, but Justin assured me that everyone else said they had a good time, and most of the people that I'm actually friends with had already left by the time it got awkward.

I have several reception-type events as graduation approaches:
Thursday, May 8
5:30 p.m. Something with the Association of Former Students where there's supposed to be free food and I can get a free bumper sticker.
6:00 p.m. Honors reception at the Hilton. I expect Justin, Mama and Daddy to accompany me.

Friday, May 9
1:00 p.m. ? Reception for math graduates. I hope there's food. I expect Justin to accompany me, but I don't know if I've told him about it yet.

Saturday, May 10
11:30 a.m. Graduation lunch with the fam! We decided that this would work better than dinner after the ceremony. I expect the whole family to be there.
2:00 p.m. Graduation ceremony. What cool thing should I do to my hat to make it visible from the audience?
6:00 p.m. I'm going to watch Justin's FINAL final review!

Then I move the rest of my stuff back to Katy!


AS said...


Cool Party!! I've had very similar things happen at the party(ies) that I've hosted. Your friends know when it's time to leave - That's why they are your friends - but the people looking to PARTY!!!!! never seem to know the social ettique of leaving at a good time.

I can't wait to have lunch with you. While you are graduating, can the kids nap at your apartment? Will there still be a bed or two in place? Or should I bring a sleeping bag and pack in play?

marigirl said...

Cool party Han(sel). :) I agree with Amber. There is free food and bumper stickers at the thing, but don't fill up before the hilton if there will be food there, because that food will be better is my guess. Math reception!? bleh, glad I don't have to go to that. Make a big equation and put it on your hat. In 3-D.