Saturday, May 22, 2010

But I don't Want to Study

Lately I've been feeling the need to justify anything I do other than study. I have my second qualifier (macroeconomics) coming up on Monday and I'm sooooo tired of studying for it. My excuse for this break is that I need to keep everybody informed about my important goings-on (wink wink).

This is where we live:

Here's Justin and me outside our apartment building, about to go on a nice walk to Rice Village. That's one of our favorite things to do.

On Mothers' Day we had a nice lunch with Mama and Daddy and Luke and Amber and kids after church. Then later in the afternoon we went over to Luke & Amber's house for some bocce ball!
It was fun. Also, Sunday, May 9, happened to by my and Justin's anniversary. We went on a date the night before so as not to compete with Mothers' Day, but we did enjoy the top layer of our wedding cake! Mama had kept it in the freezer all year! We were happy to share with the kids and everybody.

Recently when we were babysitting the kids, we gave them an extra helping of berries and cream for dessert. As we sat around the table snarfing down our dessert, Joy, whom I guess has heard "snarf snarf" to describe such an eating situation, looked up from her berries and said "snawf snawf" in a delighted little voice. It was cute. Apparently they don't think of us as real adults- when we were discussing our wedding anniversary, Joy said "and even though you're just kids, you still got married." I sometimes feel that way.

Now I have to go squeeze in a few hours of studying so I don't feel guilty about having fun with the kids later today when we go babysit! I'm really looking forward to being done with qualifiers and getting to work on research and stuff I'm actually interested in.

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