Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome Baby O'Shay

Justin and I are proud to announce the birth of our first son, Ezekiel Thomas O'Shay, on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at 4:36 pm. He weighed in at 8 lbs, 6 oz, and measured 21 inches.

Justin and I are so proud- we think he is a very good-looking baby. Overall the delivery went well- no major complications. It was a lot of work and very tiring (duh- I guess that's why it's called labor), but of course totally worth it. We got to bring him home from the hospital on Friday and are still adjusting to life with a baby. Some things have been as I expected them- I love holding my baby and/or just staring at him. In fact, I have found that I love him even more than I expected. That is a good thing, because something that is not as I expected is how much work he is. I'm sure this is totally cliche and all new parents say this, but sure enough I had not correctly anticipated how frequently he would need his diaper changed (seems like about once an hour, on average), how difficult it would be to feed him at times, and how much he would wake up in the middle of the night. I keep thinking, "good thing I love him so much, or else I would find this very burdensome." Needless to say, I am looking forward to settling into a workable routine where I start to feel somewhat normal. That will happen eventually, right?

Classes at Rice started this week; I'm only registered for one class, but I'm missing it this week. I emailed the professor to let him know, and he responded with his congratulations on the birth of our baby and a gracious "not to worry" about missing the first week. My goal is to start going next week- Mama will accompany me as I go in for that one class, and she will hold Ezekiel while I am in class. I am a little bit nervous about it, and about how I will be able to do school when so much of my time and attention is occupied by little Ezekiel.

1 comment:

marigirl said...

a fine post! :) Cute pictures. I'm sure you'll get it all figured out soon! Then you can give me more advice! hee hee