Friday, December 18, 2009


After 16 weeks of sparse (non-existent?) blogging, minimal apartment-cleaning, and lots of time with my 7 classmates, I have completed my first semester of graduate school. So far, it's a lot tougher than I had expected, but I think my mathematics background prepared me well. Although I have definitely been having to work hard, I enjoy what I've been working on, which is very encouraging. I took four classes this semester. My favorite class was Microeconomic Theory; this is the field that I would like to focus on. My other classes were Macroeconomic Theory, Math, and Statistics (bleh!). I found out I got an A+ in Micro, and since that is my favorite, and the most important for me to do well in, I consider this semester an academic success.

Now I'm enjoying a month of no school before starting next semester on January 11. During my month off, I plan to celebrate my husband's graduation from TAMU (he graduates tomorrow, and will be beginning his M.S. in Geophysics at TAMU in January); do fun stuff with my sis-in-law Lillian (justin's younger sister) for a few days; visit with my mom, dad, grandfather (dad's dad), grandmother (mom's mom), brother, sis-in-law, nephews, niece, who all live in Katy now, and even see my other brother, sis-in-law, niece and nephew, who will be in town for Christmas; and ...drumroll... fly to Japan with Justin and spend 10 days with my sister and bro-in-law!!! Needless to say, I'm very much looking forward to this Christmas break, especially the Asian Adventure! Oh, and of course spending some quality time curled up by the fire with my 1000 pages of Microeconomic Theory.

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